Safe Haskell | None |
Language | GHC2021 |
Extra module of pre-defined SegAct
Be warned that they're not 100% guaranteed to be correct.
Since: 1.0.0
- class Monoid f => SegAct f a where
- segAct :: f -> a -> a
- segActWithLength :: Int -> f -> a -> a
- newtype Affine1 a = Affine1 (Affine1Repr a)
- type Affine1Repr a = (a, a)
- newtype RangeAdd a = RangeAdd a
- newtype RangeAddId a = RangeAddId a
- newtype RangeSet a = RangeSet (RangeSetRepr a)
- newtype RangeSetId a = RangeSetId (RangeSetIdRepr a)
SegAct (re-export)
class Monoid f => SegAct f a where #
Typeclass reprentation of the LazySegTree
properties. User can implement either segAct
Instances should satisfy the follwing:
- Left monoid action
f1) x =segAct
f2 (segAct
f1 x)- Identity map
x = x- Endomorphism
f (x1<>
x2) = (segAct
f x1)<>
f x2)
If you implement segActWithLength
, satisfy one more propety:
- Linear left monoid action
len f a =stimes
len (segAct
f a) a
Note that in SegAct
instances, new semigroup values are always given from the left: new
Example instance
Take Affine1
as an example of type \(F\).
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} import AtCoder.LazySegTree qualified as LST import AtCoder.LazySegTree (SegAct (..)) import Data.Monoid import Data.Vector.Generic qualified as VG import Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable qualified as VGM import Data.Vector.Unboxed qualified as VU import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable qualified as VUM -- | f x = a * x + b. It's implemented as a newtype of `(a, a)` for easyUnbox
deriving. newtypeAffine1
a =Affine1
a) deriving newtype (Eq
) -- | This type alias makes theUnbox
deriving easier, described velow. typeAffine1Repr
a = (a, a) instance (Num
a) =>Semigroup
a) where {-# INLINE (<>
) #-} (Affine1
(!a1, !b1))<>
(!a2, !b2)) =Affine1
(a1 * a2, a1 * b2 + b1) instance (Num
a) =>Monoid
a) where {-# INLINEmempty
(1, 0) instance (Num
a) =>SegAct
a) (Sum
a) where {-# INLINE segActWithLength #-}segActWithLength
len (Affine1
(!a, !b)) !x = a * x + b * fromIntegral len
Deriving Unbox
is very easy for such a newtype (though the efficiency is
not the maximum):
newtype instance VU.MVector s (Affine1
a) = MV_Affine1 (VU.MVector s (Affine1
a)) newtype instance VU.Vector (Affine1
a) = V_Affine1 (VU.Vector (Affine1
a)) deriving instance (VU.Unbox a) => VGM.MVector VUM.MVector (Affine1
a) deriving instance (VU.Unbox a) => VG.Vector VU.Vector (Affine1
a) instance (VU.Unbox a) => VU.Unbox (Affine1
Example contest template
Define your monoid action F
and your acted monoid X
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} import AtCoder.LazySegTree qualified as LST import AtCoder.LazySegTree (SegAct (..)) import Data.Vector.Generic qualified as VG import Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable qualified as VGM import Data.Vector.Unboxed qualified as VU import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable qualified as VUM {- ORMOLU_DISABLE -} -- |F
is a custom monoid action, defined as a newtype ofFRepr
. newtype F = F FRepr deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show) ; unF :: F -> FRepr ; unF (F x) = x ; newtype instance VU.MVector s F = MV_F (VU.MVector s FRepr) ; newtype instance VU.Vector F = V_F (VU.Vector FRepr) ; deriving instance VGM.MVector VUM.MVector F ; deriving instance VG.Vector VU.Vector F ; instance VU.Unbox F ; {- ORMOLU_ENABLE -} -- | Affine: f x = a * x + b type FRepr = (Int, Int) instance Semigroup F where --new <> old
{-# INLINE (<>) #-} (F (!a1, !b1)) <> (F (!a2, !b2)) = F (a1 * a2, a1 * b2 + b1) instance Monoid F where {-# INLINE mempty #-} mempty = F (1, 0) {- ORMOLU_DISABLE -} -- |X
is a custom acted monoid, defined as a newtype ofXRepr
. newtype X = X XRepr deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show) ; unX :: X -> XRepr ; unX (X x) = x; newtype instance VU.MVector s X = MV_X (VU.MVector s XRepr) ; newtype instance VU.Vector X = V_X (VU.Vector XRepr) ; deriving instance VGM.MVector VUM.MVector X ; deriving instance VG.Vector VU.Vector X ; instance VU.Unbox X ; {- ORMOLU_ENABLE -} -- | ActedInt
(same as `Sum Int`). type XRepr = Int deriving instance Num X; -- in our caseX
is aNum
. instance Semigroup X where {-# INLINE (<>) #-} (X x1) <> (X x2) = X $! x1 + x2 instance Monoid X where {-# INLINE mempty #-} mempty = X 0 instance SegAct F X where -- {-# INLINE segAct #-} -- segAct len (F (!a, !b)) (X x) = X $! a * x + b {-# INLINE segActWithLength #-} segActWithLength len (F (!a, !b)) (X x) = X $! a * x + len * b
It's tested as below:
expect :: (Eq a, Show a) => String -> a -> a -> ()
expect msg a b
| a == b = ()
| otherwise = error $ msg ++ ": expected " ++ show a ++ ", found " ++ show b
main :: IO ()
main = do
seg <- _
F @X $ X $ VU.fromList [1, 2, 3, 4]
LST.applyIn seg 1 3 $ F (2, 1) -- [1, 5, 7, 4]
LST.write seg 3 $ X 10 -- [1, 5, 7, 10]
LST.modify seg (+ (X 1)) 0 -- [2, 5, 7, 10]
!_ <- (expect "test 1" (X 5)) <$> seg 1
!_ <- (expect "test 2" (X 14)) <$> seg 0 3 -- reads an interval [0, 3)
!_ <- (expect "test 3" (X 24)) <$> LST.allProd seg
!_ <- (expect "test 4" 2) <$> LST.maxRight seg 0 (<= (X 10)) -- sum [0, 2) = 7 <= 10
!_ <- (expect "test 5" 3) <$> LST.minLeft seg 4 (<= (X 10)) -- sum [3, 4) = 10 <= 10
putStrLn "=> test passed!"
Since: 1.0.0
Lazy segment tree action \(f(x)\).
Since: 1.0.0
segActWithLength :: Int -> f -> a -> a #
Lazy segment tree action \(f(x)\) with the target monoid's length.
If you implement SegAct
with this function, you don't have to store the monoid's length,
since it's given externally.
Since: 1.0.0
instance of one-dimensional affine transformation
\(f: x \rightarrow a \times x + b\).
Composition and dual
for Affine1
is implemented like function composition, and rightmost affine
transformation is applied first: \((f_1 \circ f_2) v := f_1 (f_2(v))\). If you need foldr
of \([f_l, f_{l+1}, .., f_r)\) on a segment tree, be sure to wrap Affine1
import AtCoder.Extra.Monoid (SegAct(..), Affine1(..))
import AtCoder.LazySegTree qualified as LST
seg <- @_ @(Affine1 Int) @(Sum Int) $ VU.generate 3 Sum -- [0, 1, 2]
LST.applyIn seg 0 3 $ Affine1 (2, 1) -- [1, 3, 5]
getSum <$> LST.allProd seg
Since: 1.0.0
Affine1 (Affine1Repr a) |
type Affine1Repr a = (a, a) #
Range add
Range set monoid action.
import AtCoder.Extra.Monoid (SegAct(..), RangeAdd(..))
import AtCoder.LazySegTree qualified as LST
import Data.Semigroup (Max(..))
seg <- @_ @(RangeAdd Int) @(Sum Int) $ VU.generate 3 Sum -- [0, 1, 2]
LST.applyIn seg 0 3 $ RangeAdd 5 -- [5, 6, 7]
getSum <$> seg 0 3
Since: 1.0.0
RangeAdd a |
newtype RangeAddId a #
Range set monoid action.
import AtCoder.Extra.Monoid (SegAct(..), RangeAddId(..))
import AtCoder.LazySegTree qualified as LST
import Data.Semigroup (Max(..))
seg <- @_ @(RangeAddId Int) @(Max Int) $ VU.generate 3 Max -- [0, 1, 2]
LST.applyIn seg 0 3 $ RangeAddId 5 -- [5, 6, 7]
getMax <$> seg 0 3
Since: 1.0.0
Range set
instance of range set action.
import AtCoder.Extra.Monoid (SegAct(..), RangeSet(..))
import AtCoder.LazySegTree qualified as LST
import Data.Bit (Bit (..))
import Data.Semigroup (Product(..))
seg <- @_ @(RangeSet (Product Int)) @(Product Int) $ VU.generate 4 Product -- [0, 1, 2, 3]
LST.applyIn seg 0 3 $ RangeSet (Bit True, Product 5) -- [5, 5, 5, 3]
getProduct <$> seg 0 4
Since: 1.0.0
RangeSet (RangeSetRepr a) |
newtype RangeSetId a #
instance of range set action over ideomponent monoids.
import AtCoder.Extra.Monoid (SegAct(..), RangeSetId(..))
import AtCoder.LazySegTree qualified as LST
import Data.Bit (Bit (..))
import Data.Semigroup (Max(..))
seg <- @_ @(RangeSetId (Max Int)) @(Max Int) $ VU.generate 3 (Max . (+ 10)) -- [10, 11, 12]
LST.applyIn seg 0 2 $ RangeSetId (Bit True, Max 5) -- [5, 5, 12]
getMax <$> seg 0 3
Since: 1.0.0
RangeSetId (RangeSetIdRepr a) |