ac-library-hs- Data structures and algorithms
Safe HaskellNone



Growable vector with some runtime overhead (by MutVar).


>>> import AtCoder.Internal.GrowVec qualified as GV
>>> growVec <- @_ @Int 0
>>> GV.null growVec
>>> GV.pushBack growVec 10
>>> GV.pushBack growVec 11
>>> GV.pushBack growVec 12
>>> GV.freeze growVec
>>> GV.length growVec
>>> GV.capacity growVec
>>> GV.write growVec 1 20
>>> growVec 1
>>> GV.popBack growVec
Just 12
>>> GV.popBack growVec
Just 20
>>> GV.reserve growVec 20
>>> GV.capacity growVec
>>> GV.unsafeFreeze growVec

Since: 1.0.0


Growable vector

data GrowVec s a #

Growable vector with some runtime overhead.

Since: 1.0.0



new :: (PrimMonad m, Unbox a) => Int -> m (GrowVec (PrimState m) a) #

\(O(n)\) Creates GrowVec with initial capacity \(n\).

Since: 1.0.0

build :: (PrimMonad m, Unbox a) => Vector a -> m (GrowVec (PrimState m) a) #

\(O(n)\) Creates GrowVec with initial values.

Since: 1.0.0


reserve :: (HasCallStack, PrimMonad m, Unbox a) => GrowVec (PrimState m) a -> Int -> m () #

\(O(n)\) Reserves the internal storage capacity.

Since: 1.0.0

Accessing individual elements

read :: (HasCallStack, PrimMonad m, Unbox a) => GrowVec (PrimState m) a -> Int -> m a #

\(O(1)\) Yields the element at the given position. Will throw an exception if the index is out of range.

Since: 1.0.0

write :: (HasCallStack, PrimMonad m, Unbox a) => GrowVec (PrimState m) a -> Int -> a -> m () #

\(O(1)\) Writes to the element at the given position. Will throw an exception if the index is out of range.

Since: 1.0.0

Modifying the buffer

pushBack :: (PrimMonad m, Unbox a) => GrowVec (PrimState m) a -> a -> m () #

Amortized \(O(1)\). Grow the capacity twice

Since: 1.0.0

popBack :: (PrimMonad m, Unbox a) => GrowVec (PrimState m) a -> m (Maybe a) #

\(O(1)\) Removes the last element from the buffer and returns it, or Nothing if it is empty.

Since: 1.0.0

popBack_ :: (PrimMonad m, Unbox a) => GrowVec (PrimState m) a -> m () #

\(O(1)\) popBack with return value discarded.

Since: 1.0.0


length :: (PrimMonad m, Unbox a) => GrowVec (PrimState m) a -> m Int #

\(O(1)\) Returns the number of elements in the vector.

Since: 1.0.0

capacity :: (PrimMonad m, Unbox a) => GrowVec (PrimState m) a -> m Int #

\(O(1)\) Returns the capacity of the internal the vector.

Since: 1.0.0

null :: (PrimMonad m, Unbox a) => GrowVec (PrimState m) a -> m Bool #

\(O(1)\) Returns True if the vector is empty.

Since: 1.0.0


freeze :: (PrimMonad m, Unbox a) => GrowVec (PrimState m) a -> m (Vector a) #

\(O(n)\) Yields an immutable copy of the mutable vector.

Since: 1.0.0

unsafeFreeze :: (PrimMonad m, Unbox a) => GrowVec (PrimState m) a -> m (Vector a) #

\(O(1)\) Unsafely converts a mutable vector to an immutable one without copying. The mutable vector may not be used after this operation.

Since: 1.0.0