1. About

1.1. Configuration

Please refer to the source files of this demo site.

1.2. Custom Handlebars template

adbook converts each .adoc file by running asciidoctor and then applying a Handlebars template (if it’s specified).

Template data

HbsData in hbs.rs is supplied to Handlebars templates.

Custom data is NOT available (you’ll have to modify the source directly).

Location of template files

All Handlebars templates should be located in one directory, say, hbs. Partial files have to be under the hbs/partials and they’re loaded before running Handlebars.

The hbs document attribute

adbook treats hbs document attribute as the path to a Handlebars template file relative to the source directory.

So we can do this:

= Title
:hbs: theme/hbs/my_cool_template.hbs
// All partial templates must be located in `theme/hbs/patials` in this case