Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



\(O(N \sqrt Q)\) Mo's algorithm

Be sure to..

  • {-# INLINE #-} user-defined functions
  • Never use unboxed vector for output

Typical problems



sortMo :: Int -> Vector (Int, Int) -> Vector Int #

\(O(N \log N)\) Returns a sorted indices to the vector of (l, r), first by l div b and then r.

runMoG :: (PrimMonad m, Unbox x, Vector v b) => Vector x -> Vector (Int, Int) -> (a -> x -> m a) -> (a -> x -> m a) -> (a -> x -> m a) -> (a -> x -> m a) -> (a -> b) -> a -> m (v b) #

\(O(N (\log N + \sqrt Q))\). Mo's algorithm: runMo xs lrs onInsL onInsR onRemL onRemR extract state0.

runMoPureG :: (Unbox x, Vector v b) => Vector x -> Vector (Int, Int) -> (a -> x -> a) -> (a -> x -> a) -> (a -> x -> a) -> (a -> x -> a) -> (a -> b) -> a -> v b #

\(O(N (\log N + \sqrt Q))\). Pure variant of runMoG.

runMo :: (PrimMonad m, Unbox x, Unbox b) => Vector x -> Vector (Int, Int) -> (a -> x -> m a) -> (a -> x -> m a) -> (a -> x -> m a) -> (a -> x -> m a) -> (a -> b) -> a -> m (Vector b) #

\(O(N (\log N + \sqrt Q))\). Type-restricted runMo

runMoPure :: (Unbox x, Unbox b) => Vector x -> Vector (Int, Int) -> (a -> x -> a) -> (a -> x -> a) -> (a -> x -> a) -> (a -> x -> a) -> (a -> b) -> a -> Vector b #

\(O(N (\log N + \sqrt Q))\). Type-restricted runMoPure

simpleRunMo :: (PrimMonad m, Unbox x, Unbox a) => Vector x -> Vector (Int, Int) -> (a -> x -> m a) -> (a -> x -> m a) -> a -> m (Vector a) #

\(O(N (\log N + \sqrt Q))\). Run Mo's algorithm simply

simpleRunMoPure :: (Unbox x, Unbox a) => Vector x -> Vector (Int, Int) -> (a -> x -> a) -> (a -> x -> a) -> a -> Vector a #

\(O(N (\log N + \sqrt Q))\). Run Mo's algorithm simply