Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Minimum cost flow calculation (Ford-Fulkerson algorithm).
Typical problems
- Remove negative edges in order to avoid negative, infinite loop.
- Create bipass when the best cost can come with smaller flow than the target flow.
- Or I should implement
- type CapacityMCF c = c
- type FlowMCF c = c
- type CostMCF c = c
- data MinCostFlow s c = MinCostFlow {
- nVertsMCF :: !Int
- nEdgesMCF :: !Int
- offsetsMCF :: !(Vector Int)
- edgeDstMCF :: !(Vector Int)
- edgeRevIndexMCF :: !(Vector Int)
- edgeCapMCF :: !(MVector s (CapacityMCF c))
- edgeCostMCF :: !(Vector (CostMCF c))
- data MinCostFlowBuffer r s c = MinCostFlowBuffer {
- distsMCF :: !(MVector s r)
- prevVertMCF :: !(MVector s Vertex)
- prevEdgeMCF :: !(MVector s EdgeId)
- bestFlow' :: (Num (f (CostMCF c)), Monoid (f (CostMCF c)), Unbox (f (CostMCF c)), Ord (f (CostMCF c)), PrimMonad m, Num c, Unbox c, Ord c) => (CostMCF c -> f (CostMCF c)) -> Int -> Int -> Int -> CapacityMCF c -> Vector (Vertex, Vertex, CapacityMCF c, CostMCF c) -> m ((f (CostMCF c), CapacityMCF c), MinCostFlow (PrimState m) c)
- bestFlow :: (Monoid (f (CostMCF c)), Unbox (f (CostMCF c)), Ord (f (CostMCF c)), Num (f (CostMCF c)), Unbox c, Integral c) => (CostMCF c -> f (CostMCF c)) -> Int -> Int -> Int -> CapacityMCF c -> Vector (Vertex, Vertex, CapacityMCF c, CostMCF c) -> (f (CostMCF c), CapacityMCF c)
- minCostFlow :: (Unbox c, Integral c, Bounded c) => Int -> Int -> Int -> CapacityMCF c -> Vector (Vertex, Vertex, CapacityMCF c, CostMCF c) -> (Min (CostMCF c), CapacityMCF c)
- minCostFlow' :: (PrimMonad m, Unbox c, Integral c, Bounded c) => Int -> Int -> Int -> CapacityMCF c -> Vector (Vertex, Vertex, CapacityMCF c, CostMCF c) -> m ((Min (CostMCF c), CapacityMCF c), MinCostFlow (PrimState m) c)
- maxCostFlow :: (Unbox c, Integral c, Bounded c) => Int -> Int -> Int -> CapacityMCF c -> Vector (Vertex, Vertex, CapacityMCF c, CostMCF c) -> (Max (CostMCF c), CapacityMCF c)
- maxCostFlow' :: (PrimMonad m, Unbox c, Integral c, Bounded c) => Int -> Int -> Int -> CapacityMCF c -> Vector (Vertex, Vertex, CapacityMCF c, CostMCF c) -> m ((Max (CostMCF c), CapacityMCF c), MinCostFlow (PrimState m) c)
- edgesMCF :: (PrimMonad m, Num c, Unbox c) => MinCostFlow (PrimState m) c -> m (Vector (Int, Int, CapacityMCF c, FlowMCF c, CostMCF c))
- undefMCF :: Int
- buildMinCostFlow :: forall c m. (PrimMonad m, Num c, Unbox c, Ord c) => Int -> Vector (Vertex, Vertex, CapacityMCF c, CostMCF c) -> m (MinCostFlow (PrimState m) c)
- runMinCostFlow :: forall f c m. (Monoid (f (CostMCF c)), Unbox (f (CostMCF c)), Ord (f (CostMCF c)), Num (f (CostMCF c)), PrimMonad m, Num c, Unbox c, Ord c) => (CostMCF c -> f (CostMCF c)) -> Vertex -> Vertex -> FlowMCF c -> MinCostFlow (PrimState m) c -> m (f (CostMCF c), CapacityMCF c)
- runMinCostFlowShortests :: (Unbox (f (CostMCF c)), Monoid (f (CostMCF c)), Ord (f (CostMCF c)), Num (f (CostMCF c)), Unbox c, Num c, Ord c, PrimMonad m) => (CostMCF c -> f (CostMCF c)) -> Vertex -> MinCostFlow (PrimState m) c -> MinCostFlowBuffer (f (CostMCF c)) (PrimState m) c -> m ()
type CapacityMCF c = c #
data MinCostFlow s c #
The state for CostFlow
Internally the graph is stored in a CSR (compressed sparse row).
MinCostFlow | |
data MinCostFlowBuffer r s c #
Mutable states on running MinCostFlow algorithm.
MinCostFlowBuffer | |
bestFlow' :: (Num (f (CostMCF c)), Monoid (f (CostMCF c)), Unbox (f (CostMCF c)), Ord (f (CostMCF c)), PrimMonad m, Num c, Unbox c, Ord c) => (CostMCF c -> f (CostMCF c)) -> Int -> Int -> Int -> CapacityMCF c -> Vector (Vertex, Vertex, CapacityMCF c, CostMCF c) -> m ((f (CostMCF c), CapacityMCF c), MinCostFlow (PrimState m) c) #
Returns the wrapped cost for getting the target flow, or Nothing when impossible. Be warned that it attampts to maximize the flow (up to the target flow) even if the best result is with smaller flow. Make a bipassing edge!
bestFlow :: (Monoid (f (CostMCF c)), Unbox (f (CostMCF c)), Ord (f (CostMCF c)), Num (f (CostMCF c)), Unbox c, Integral c) => (CostMCF c -> f (CostMCF c)) -> Int -> Int -> Int -> CapacityMCF c -> Vector (Vertex, Vertex, CapacityMCF c, CostMCF c) -> (f (CostMCF c), CapacityMCF c) #
minCostFlow :: (Unbox c, Integral c, Bounded c) => Int -> Int -> Int -> CapacityMCF c -> Vector (Vertex, Vertex, CapacityMCF c, CostMCF c) -> (Min (CostMCF c), CapacityMCF c) #
Returns (minCost, flow)
. REMARK: Invalid (negative cost) edges should not be filtered.
Instead, use them as zero-cost edges (or else we can't retrieve the best solution (at least in
the current implementation)
minCostFlow' :: (PrimMonad m, Unbox c, Integral c, Bounded c) => Int -> Int -> Int -> CapacityMCF c -> Vector (Vertex, Vertex, CapacityMCF c, CostMCF c) -> m ((Min (CostMCF c), CapacityMCF c), MinCostFlow (PrimState m) c) #
maxCostFlow :: (Unbox c, Integral c, Bounded c) => Int -> Int -> Int -> CapacityMCF c -> Vector (Vertex, Vertex, CapacityMCF c, CostMCF c) -> (Max (CostMCF c), CapacityMCF c) #
Returns (maxCost, flow)
. REMARK: Invalid (negative cost) edges should not be filtered.
Instead, use them as zero-cost edges (or else we can't retrieve the best solution (at least in
the current implementation)
maxCostFlow' :: (PrimMonad m, Unbox c, Integral c, Bounded c) => Int -> Int -> Int -> CapacityMCF c -> Vector (Vertex, Vertex, CapacityMCF c, CostMCF c) -> m ((Max (CostMCF c), CapacityMCF c), MinCostFlow (PrimState m) c) #
edgesMCF :: (PrimMonad m, Num c, Unbox c) => MinCostFlow (PrimState m) c -> m (Vector (Int, Int, CapacityMCF c, FlowMCF c, CostMCF c)) #
Retrieves edge information (v1, v2, cap, flow, cost)
from the maxFlow
Be warned that it contains reverse edges and edges fromto sourcesink.
buildMinCostFlow :: forall c m. (PrimMonad m, Num c, Unbox c, Ord c) => Int -> Vector (Vertex, Vertex, CapacityMCF c, CostMCF c) -> m (MinCostFlow (PrimState m) c) #
Builds MinCostFlow
from edges.
runMinCostFlow :: forall f c m. (Monoid (f (CostMCF c)), Unbox (f (CostMCF c)), Ord (f (CostMCF c)), Num (f (CostMCF c)), PrimMonad m, Num c, Unbox c, Ord c) => (CostMCF c -> f (CostMCF c)) -> Vertex -> Vertex -> FlowMCF c -> MinCostFlow (PrimState m) c -> m (f (CostMCF c), CapacityMCF c) #
Runs the MinCostFlow algorithm.
runMinCostFlowShortests :: (Unbox (f (CostMCF c)), Monoid (f (CostMCF c)), Ord (f (CostMCF c)), Num (f (CostMCF c)), Unbox c, Num c, Ord c, PrimMonad m) => (CostMCF c -> f (CostMCF c)) -> Vertex -> MinCostFlow (PrimState m) c -> MinCostFlowBuffer (f (CostMCF c)) (PrimState m) c -> m () #
Collect shortest distances from the source vertex using Bellman-Ford algorithm.
Panics on negative loop.
TODO: replace with dijkstra with potencials.