Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Tree algorithms for SparseGraph.



treeDiameterSG :: (Unbox w, Num w, Ord w) => SparseGraph w -> w -> (Vertex, Vertex, w) #

\(O(V+E)\) Tree diameter calculation.

treeDiameterPathSG :: (Unbox w, Num w, Ord w) => SparseGraph w -> w -> ((Vertex, Vertex, w), Vector Vertex) #

\(O(V+E)\) Tree diameter calculation.

LCA (prefer HLD though)

treeDepthInfoSG :: (Monoid w, Unbox w) => SparseGraph w -> Int -> (Vector Int, IndexMapWithAction w) #

\(O(N)\) Returns (depths, parents).

lcaCacheSG :: (Monoid w, Unbox w) => SparseGraph w -> Vertex -> LcaCache w #

Returns LcaCache, i.e., (parents, depths, parents').

Tree folding

foldTreeImplSG :: forall m op a w. (Monad m, Unbox w) => SparseGraph w -> Vertex -> (op -> (Vertex, w) -> op) -> (op -> a -> a) -> (Vertex -> a) -> (a -> op) -> (Vertex -> a -> m ()) -> m a #

\(O(N)\) Weighted ree folding.

foldTreeSG :: Unbox w => SparseGraph w -> Vertex -> (op -> (Vertex, w) -> op) -> (op -> a -> a) -> (Vertex -> a) -> (a -> op) -> a #

\(O(N)\) Folds a tree from one root vertex using postorder DFS.

scanTreeSG :: (Vector v a, Unbox w) => SparseGraph w -> Vertex -> (op -> (Vertex, w) -> op) -> (op -> a -> a) -> (Vertex -> a) -> (a -> op) -> v a #

\(O(N)\) Folds a tree from one root vertex using postorder DFS, recording all the accumulation values on every vertex.

foldTreeAllSG :: forall a op w. (Unbox a, Unbox op, Monoid op, SemigroupAction op a, Unbox w) => SparseGraph w -> (Vertex -> a) -> (a -> op) -> Vector a #

\(O(N)\) Folds a not-weighted tree for every vertex as a root using the rerooting technique.

Typical problems

foldTreeAllSG' :: forall a op w. (Unbox a, Unbox op, Monoid op, SemigroupAction op a, Unbox w) => SparseGraph w -> (op -> (Vertex, w) -> op) -> (Vertex -> a) -> (a -> op) -> Vector a #

\(O(N)\) Folds a weighted tree for every vertex as a root using the rerooting technique.

Typical problems