Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Bit vector (in the context of wavelet matrix) is a collection of bits that can handle rank (freq) in \(O(1)\) and select (findIndex) in \(O(\log N)\) without much memory.

There are two popular ways for implementing such a bit vector.

Word-based cumulative sum

One way to implement such a bit vector is to use a cumulative sum of bits by words (& bytes). This module is implemented with that.

Succinct bit vector

Another way to implement a bit vector with less memory is using a succinct bit vector. Unless large $N$ problems come, I might not implement it.



wordWM :: Int #

Block sized for the internal cumultaive sum in the bit vector.

data BitVector #

Bit vector is a collection of bits that can handle rank (freq) in \(O(1)\) and select (findIndex) in \(O(N)\).





Instances details
Show BitVector # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.WaveletMatrix.BitVector

Eq BitVector # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.WaveletMatrix.BitVector

csumInPlaceBV :: PrimMonad m => MVector (PrimState m) Int -> Vector Bit -> m Int #

\(O(N)\) Calculates the cumulative sum by word for the bit vector in-place.

newCSumBV :: Vector Bit -> Vector Int #

\(O(N)\) Calculates the cumulative sum by word for the bit vector.

freq0BV :: BitVector -> Int -> Int #

\(O(1)\) Counts the number of 0 bits in interval [0, i). The input is a cumulative sum of bit vector by word. Rank 0.

freq1BV :: BitVector -> Int -> Int #

\(O(1)\) Counts the number of 1 bits in interval [0, i). The input is a cumulative sum of bit vector by word. Rank 1.

findKthIndex0BV :: BitVector -> Int -> Maybe Int #

\(O(\log N)\) Finds the index of kth 0. Select 0.

findKthIndex1BV :: BitVector -> Int -> Maybe Int #

\(O(\log N)\) Finds the index of kth 1. Select 1.

lrFindKthIndex0BV :: BitVector -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Int #

\(O(\log N)\) Finds the index of kth 0 in [l, r]. Select 0.

lrFindKthIndex1BV :: BitVector -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Int #

\(O(\log N)\) Finds the index of kth 1 in [l, r]. Select 1.